By Ali
Date: 30 January 2001

Her For Her, You For You

If I listen less, will I hear more?
Sometimes, I wonder about my sanity
Sometimes, I wonder about yours
But, the day is done, the time is past
And, it's true, mistakes were made
But, if you don't make mistakes
How do you expect to learn?
Learning is all about stumbling and getting up
And realizing that you fell...
Tonight, something sticks in my mind
As if someone wallpapered it there
It's a picture of someone
Someone I have never met
Someone I have never seen
But, a picture painted, nonetheless
In the picture
There are shadows and darkness
Hardly any light
There are lines, drawn hard and dark
A picture done in charcol, I think
It's a picture of her...
The woman that calls you 'honey'
But, it isn't her true face
It's just the one you let me see
I had her cloaked in darkness
Complete with swirling cape
I had her commanding demons
But, now I see that isn't right
Don't get me wrong
She's no saint
But, neither are you, for that matter
I'm no angel
I'm no saint
I've never claimed to be, either
I have been known to break the rules
To change the rules
From time to time
You have made mistakes
I have made mistakes
Let's just say, for honesty's sake
That I was a mistake you made
And you were a mistake I made...
I find that I'm sorry
For believing you
Because it made me the fool
I'm sorry for trusting you
Because that trust has caused me pain
I'm devasted that you're gone
Because you left with her...
I'm angry at myself
Because I didn't see her for her
Or you for you
I just saw all the things I wanted to
And you were always there
Whispering things in my ear
About your life, about her
And I just refused to see
You for you, her for her
I saw only half-truths
And I believed you
Because it made it easier, for me
Made it easier for me to love you...

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