By TheDubalPoet
Date: 19 January 2001

My sorrow

The darkness that decorates your room,
the breathe decending from your sobs,
My steps are silently struggling,
not to disturb your sleep
I come to comfort your coldness,
that you have tried to disguise,
Hiding from the faces frozen in your mind,
Self-concious of your surroundings,
Positioning politely on your bed,
I stare softly into your flushed face,
Reching to rest the burdens you have reserved,
I caress your body in my arms as a cradle
Tears trudging along paths pre-destined
I weep wildly to see comfort restore you heart
I know of your worries raging through your soul,
Selling your happiness suddenly short,
Don't fret my free-born child,
I've come to the cries you have called,
Your search need end at my sacrifice,
For I am not as far as you might fathom.
And as I leave your room tonight,
Your requests rest on my back,
That has bought you with  it's lashes,
Rest easy  curious child,
Because the peace you recieve in the early morn,
Will be at the expense  exposed in my word,
Kissing you and closing this night,
I shall return tomorrow under the darkness that reeks it's havac,
Shining forth a lovley light that comforts your life,
Instructing your heart to hold stong until my righteous return.

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