By TheDubalPoet
Date: 28 January 2001

Heart On a Pedestal

My troubles do triumph my heart
As do my lusts linger over me
Tears tumble down my cheeks
When my emotions immaturely flee

Does my faith forget him?
My heart is but a door of devastation
Welcoming pain and persecution of sorts
Inviting things that run ramped in this nation

OH, I cry to thee O� Lord
Where has my happiness disappeared?
Have you hidden it from me?
Fairness seems to flee at my tears

Tunes of sadness sound in my ears
Breaking this mold of mine
Down to nothing more than mere weakness
Looking hopefully for answers from the throne

Here the son stands
In front of paradise posturing himself
With wonderful white glow
Eyes like a furious fire

�Jesus�, I cry out
�Help me up for I have fallen�
Staggering slowly to his arms I drop
His healing hands catch me before I fall

Reaching for him I hug his shoulders
His eyes evolve into tears of sadness
He holds me tight as I weep
And carries me to his Father

Taking me places I have never traveled
Jesus in your arms I am secure
My heart seems to fly frantically
Things in my mind instantly turn pure

Hold me close to you
That I may be warmed with your everlasting love
And may I find the felicity my soul longs
From him that sits on the throne above

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