By Elaina
Date: 30 January 2001


I know what's
going on...remember
you played this
game with me once before.
And last time I
was weak, I didn't
know how to fight
back. Ok, maybe fight
wasn't the right
choice of words,
but you know what
I mean.  However,
this time you
mean too much to
me for me to just
let you walk away.
I don't care what
you tell me...
how bad or how good,
but for the love
Tell me I'm a
horrible friend,
tell me I'm
crazy tell me you're
through, I know.
I know what you want,
but I need to hear it
from you. You must
remember who you are
talking to...a girl who
had trouble standing
up and reciting her
name in front of you.
And you, you're shameless,
you wouldn't care who was
there as long as you got
a laugh. You must
understand how hard
it was for me to tell
you the things I did,
especailly knowing that
it would result with this.
I promise you, you
couldn't tell me
anything I haven't
heard before. I think
I've used that line
with you already,
so I don't know what
you are so afraid of,
or what you are hiding.
I don't even want an
explaination, wait no
I want an explaination,
but I don't expect it.
So just say what you
have to, and maybe I'll
hurt, but there is
no point it draging it
out. That'll only hurt
both of us more.

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