By Sarah O.
Date: 8 January 2001

Missing you

I cried myself to sleep lastnight,
All the while wishing I had you there to hold me tight
Instead I held my teddy bear close to my side,
Only to drown it in tears,
I needed your arms around me to suffocate my fears,
Your words, your eyes, play a never ending story on my soul,
My heart has taken over, my mind out of control,
My eyes sting with each new tear I fight back,
The weariness takes over

But before I fall to sleep,
I pray everynight your soul to keep,
Before I rest my head,
to hold my baby in his hands and tuck you safe in bed,
I pray that he watch over you each and everyday,
that he guide you and bless you in each and every way-

"Tell him that I love him Lord, and even though I miss him more
and more with each new day,
He will be here in my heart,Lord, and in my heart he will stay."

I love you Francois-

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