By me aka niki
Date: 10 January 2001

The whole package

I'm warning you
Don't do that
Please stop
Don't tell me you love me,
Don't start to care
'Cause Maybe tomorrow I won't be there
Don't bring me chickensoup when I'm sick
Don't hold my hand and pull me close
I'll fall for you, I will
And Let me tell you
I fall H A R D
Do I need to spell that?
And then you get the whole package
Don't know if you can handle that
You know?
There is a history,
And There are times of depression,
Or I'll snap for no reason whatsoever,
And don't forget the pain and tears
You'll have to deal with them,
Just like I do everyday,
If you want to be my other half
You have to be there, responsible and can I trust you?
Because there are deepest darkest secrets,
Times when I'll need you,
So expect phonecalls in the middle of the night
Wih a crying girl on the other end
And You don't want to see me crying
So stop it
Be casual
Or even forget me
Because not because you don't see it,
Means that it isn't there

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