By Du'Doll
Date: 18 January 2001


My eyes start to flutter
My gaze begins to blurr
The struggle between awareness and slumber haunts my very soul
Sleep seems as a hungery beast searching for its prey
Slumber is like hell waiting for me to doze away
As I feel myself drifting, a tear escapes from the corner of my eye
As the tears begin to fall freely, I turn and sheild my face
Grateful for the darkness, so no one can see my pain
Captive to my mental state
Captive to my dreams
How I dread to slip into this sur-real world of silence
This silence that is controled by my fanticies
Never have I feared anything more
This fear of sleep, however, controls me
Why would I want to lay still and let myself dream of the impossible
Why would I want to see before me the things that I will never have
It is coming as a theif, silent and alluring
Exhaustion oversomes me, and I resist it with all I have left inside me
I close my fist
I open my eyes
I have but this last effort to resist this evil fate
I feel myself crumbling
I am to weak to overcome the power of the darkenss
My mind gives in, and I have fallen into a sleepless night
A night full of tossing and turning
The dreams of perfection absorb through me as a whole
I wake a few hours later to feel as empty and tired as before
The light of new day is surrounding me
The sun has begun to glow
Another day of smiles and the fear of what I know is to come
Another sleepless day and another sleepless night...

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