By Stands with a Smile
Date: 21 January 2001


There is no easy way
to say this.
It was a surprise.

Ah, I know.
I've been there too.
So sure that the love
we hold is the one
that will hold us
through everything
this one to the end.

And then?  
Guess what.
It seems that somewhere
in the middle of all the passion
we discover how much unlike
we are
and lose it all.

We never quite get it back
we seem to drift apart
if the differences
don't lead to angry words
or indifference.

But here is the surprise.
in the middle of the passion
this time
I recognized someone
in your eyes.

It was me.
The laughter
the teasing
the tears
and the serious things
all fell together
into something new.

In other times
with other loves
I've asked myself
the awful question..
If you weren't involved
with her..
would you even have her
as a friend?

Most of the time
the answer is

This time..
The answer
is YES.

It is so strange
to laugh
with everthing
inside me laughing
to cry
with everything
open to you
and feel the trust in me
that has been there
for no one else.

I think I understand
the thought now.
This ain't love..
This is GOOD!

Whatever it is..
it was the surprise
I've been hoping for
all my life.

Cleaning the bathroom
is still looming
on the horizon
to be as much fun
as doing
the laundry.

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