By Ali
Date: 5 January 2001

In Your Veins

Forgive me, if you will
For today
I am simply
Not myself
But someone else...
Someone tired
And very far away
I don't want to
Think about you
Or search the passing crowds
For your face
I am tired
Not just pysically
But emotionally, too
I need some time off
Away from myself
From these memories
These thoughts
The painfully unanswered
I'm chilled to the bone
And not entirely due
To the wintery weather
But because of the ice
That flows in your veins
And chokes your heart
So that you can pretend
That you don't feel
Anything of what I
Know you to feel
So, that you can conviently
Think about me
Or the next day
Or, perhaps, never...

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