By Michael (pruner) and Princess Zelda (planter) -
Date: 8 January 2001

They never forget

I really hate roses!
-- You can't hate roses!
Roses are overrated
Wildflowers are better
roses are so common
wildflowers have personality
-- Are you a wildflower?
I am a poppy.
-- You get them high and addicted?
I went out with this boyscout ranger
and everytime he came to get me
he brought me a wildflower
those were the best flowers i've ever received
they were orange, yellow, green, etc
and i had no idea what they were!
wildflowers show personality, creativity, passion and strength
-- Who sent them? That one you really like?
No, the other one.
I wish _he_ sent me roses.
-- you wish he sent horrible flowers you don't like??
At least then I know he'd been thinking about me.
-- women are strange
Men are stupid
Narrator: Just goes to show you....They never forget.                  

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