By TJ Holland
Date: 2 December 2000
Silent slips of mind
mindful of the shushes
and the hushes that preclude
my display of dream.
I long for the length of days
and length of road
that took you from your place
and placed you for a moment here.
I did not know you then.
Antonio. Is that you Antonio?
I could place my faith
in blue velvet on twisting stairs.
And I and you and they
all pressed in
with all night laughter;
friendful arms thrown
over strangeless shoulders.
Blood red ribbons like gashes
across your chest
undone, unwon by fingers.
Antonio? Antonio, is that you?
Come, let's feast from barren bowls
and laugh at fourth dimensions.
I failed tests then;
and tested failures.
And you were all but forgotten;
numbers and letters left
in a book of Irish battles
placed on a shelf
at the end of the road
that took me away.
My mind bends
to take the curves
in the tracks you've laid.
A diverging road is what this is.
My river beside your road
reflects the I in your sky
and bends to keep pace,
to echo the you in your words.
A diverging echo is what this is.
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