By distant moon
Date: 16 December 2000
Why Best Friends Fall In Love.
It's dialogue on epitaph
Readings on a tree stump
The words pour from your mouth
And we become closely knit, like wool or Jehovah Witnesses
And although, we are so far from being lovers
At times, I look at you, beyond friendship
I wonder if the movies were correct in saying that this may be as good as it...
No...could this be the finale?
No grandiose ending with fireworks and spacemen?
All along I've fallen in love, with my best friend
We fall because we frighten easily
Worried that we may never find "her"
You become "her" with relative ease
You know us well
You hear our deepest, and our darkest
We tell you everything we have
We expect the repayment to be the permission to fall in love with you
We don't fully have the uni-sex bathroom, Ally McBeal world down to a science
Like so many women do...
We are clueless
We are naive
We are men
But the best relationships start off as friends...
It's much less complicated and we'd like it to stay that way
Completely destroying a true friendship because of a kiss
or because of a feeling is truly irrational
Any woman that would end a relationship
On the basis of this allegation is no real friend to that man...
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