By Brandy ~
Date: 26 December 2000

Because I Have Him

The endless days of heartache,
Have come to an end
The so many months of feeling as though there was no one out there for me,
Have come to an end
The endless nites of crying myself to sleep because you were no longer there,
Have come to and end
The days of walking by myself without you by my side,
Have come to an end
The countless hours that have passed missing you,
Have come to an end
The days of wondering if I will ever meet someone like you again,
Have come to an end
I no longer feel heartache, because I have him
I no longer feel as though there is no one out there for me, because I have him
I no longer cry myself to sleep at nite, because I have him
I no longer walk by myself, because I have him
I no longer count the hours of missing you, because I have him
I no longer wonder if I will meet someone like you again, because I have him
He is nothing like you
You wonder who this Knight on the White Horse is?
The one that holds my heart
The one that makes me smile in a way that you never could
The one that lifts my spirits so high that I have to look down to see Heaven
I have no Heartache now
Because I have him

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