By Gala
Date: 9 December 2000
Breathless From Your Kiss
Oh you steal my breath,
you sweet thief
pilfered my heart
while i stood in your arms
and I see you in every love song
feel you around each turn.
It used to be that the sight of you
turned my heart into a dancing fool,
but now the thought of you is plenty
and my toes are tapping
a flamenco beat
and my body wants a tango
pulled close against you,
and who cares who whispers
when we come together
and my head falls back,
my lips open to your kiss
and my tongue cannot decide
between wanton and coquette.
But you have stolen nothing---
taken not a thing I would not have offered
with shining eyes, cheeks flushed
and need straining from my pores
like a tangy sweet sweat.
Now then---
my breath is yours...
why not take my heart
my darling
my sweet
my love?
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