By terry
Date: 7 December 2000


I watch you slumber, your breathing deep and slow
and as a small smile turns up the corners of your mouth,
I feel good thoughts breeze by me
as they enter the world of yesterday's dreams, passing freely from today's.
And as I have done for untold nights before,
just as I will for the remainder of your days in this world, this life,
I will guard the night
be your totem
against every bad dream and thought and vision
that would dare come your way in the long dark night
attempting to steal your peace, carry your spirit away to a bad place
perhaps  to a weak state of mind, or one of fear and surrender
when an unhappy lie
attempts to deceive us both within a mask of truth.
But the delicate lattice of my spirit and nature
captures all such evil and harm
and binds it tight to the white of my love for you,
stealing its power, rendering it harmless again.
For I am a fetish of great power
ordained by the Great Spirit Bear of the West
to be your DreamCatcher.
So sleep deep this night, rest well and long
as I turn lazily above your slumber this night.
Let the spirit of my love soothe your sleeping brow
and protect your beating heart with my spiritual shield.

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