By unit305
Date: 20 December 2000
The longest drive
Today I had the longest drive
I was driving alone...too alone
my heart was sinking with every mile
my head spinning with every turn
I talk to myself
why am I leaving you here?
I can go back can't I?
I drive further away
my newly mended heart shatters
a tear falls
I need you
another falls
I want you
and another
will I ever see you again?
the radio has been playing
but has gone unnoticed
the volume goes up
raised by an unseen hand
I hear the words from an unfamiliar song
and they bring a little comfort
because I know they are true
"one more day"
"one more time"
"one more sunset maybe i'll be satisfied"
"but then again"
"I know what it would do"
"leave me wishing still"
"for one more day with you"
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