By Patty
Date: 4 December 2000
My Wonderful Hatem
I miss you, Hatem
I miss you so much
I can still hear your voice
Whispering my name when we made love
Oh, how it felt like my whole world was about to explode
I miss the taste of your lips
Tasting like sweet wine
I miss the feeling of your strong arms around me
Oh, how I felt so safe when you held me
I miss the showers and the baths we took together
You made it so erotic
I miss the kisses on my forehead
When you know I need some assurance
I miss the smell of you
The way you spray your cologne in the air
And let it gently falls on your face
I miss watching you play pool
And how sexy you look when you made that winning shot
I just miss seeing you
And just being in your presence
The only thing I can do now is miss you
And keep on loving you
I consider myself lucky
Because I did experience what most
People in their whole entire lifetime can never experience
I have love and I have lost
But at least I did love
And I will love you always
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