By Elaina
Date: 22 December 2000
In Lust
Can you honestly say you feel nothing for me?
Don't answer.
Just think.
When we laugh at our patedic ex's.
Because after all they're the ones that lost out.
When we have a heart to heart talk.
Do you feel nothing?
When I sit at your work for an hour,
just to talk to you for ten minutes.
When I fight with my friends constantly
over the time I spend with you.
When I kiss you.
When you giggle,
and I giggle at you.
Do you feel nothing?
When I cry,
because your friends tell me how you talk of me.
When I make up excuses,
so they can't see I care.
Do you feel nothing?
When I deny the truth,
because I can't imagine not having you to talk to.
Do you still feel nothing?
Brake it to me gently,
be kind.
I see the answer in your eyes,
and I'm hoping you'll lie.
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