By Misti Velvet Rainwater
Date: 19 December 2000
Jenny's Song
keep your mouth shut
don't call the cops
don't cause a scene
you're wearin' diamonds and rubies, aintcha?
you're a member of the Country Club
got a brand spankin' new SUV
you don't have to work
a maid cleans your house
you could have a good life
if you would just figure it out
he's gorgeous
he's rich
why are you bitchin'?
so he's never home
and he has strange sexual fetishes
and he constantly reminds you of the fact
that without him
you'd be a hand-to-mouth whore
make him happy
no matter how crappy you feel
life is a series of tradeoffs
and you got a good deal
turn it off
when you want to scream
stay in place
when you want to run
thank God fasting for your looks
and stay away
from gun shows.
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