By B.K.
Date: 16 December 2000

The Red Maze

(An Early Xmas Present)

Hello Darlin,
glad you’re here.
This note is the beginning.
It’s a red ribbon maze
that leads you to a red bow.
Attached to the bow is
a golden key, that unlocks  
a door to something that you
have wanted now for a year.
We’ve played all the games,
made all the moves in our minds.
It’s time we unlock this desire.
Only your key fits the tumbler.
Keep following the ribbon.
Oh yes, when you get to the room
with a woman in a red silk teddy,
French garters and lace stockings,
pay no attention to her.
She’s only there to blow your mind.
Are you getting closer? Hurry!
The prize? (Hum)
I’ll whisper it in your ear when you get here.

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