By terry
Date: 23 December 2000
My Gift This Christmas
The night is quiet now
As snow drifts down to earth
Blanketing the world in Christmas fare once again
As everyone sleeps in peace
Dreaming of the magic of tomorrow.
Not me
I am still wrapped in the beauty of today.
And yea, you might say we cheated a bit
By opening our gifts early
But not really…
Because my gift to you this year
Was never under the tree
Not wrapped in pretty paper with lace and a bow
Not purchased in some expensive store
Because frankly babygirl
You deserved so much more
So much more
So this year, I give you something different
One of a kind and meant just for you
I give you my heart
Blood red, and true blue
Hold it and keep it and let it be yours
Because it already is
For this is but our first Christmas
And my gift will keep for a hundred more as it gives
You every ounce of my love
Not just this Christmas day
But all that follow
Come what may.
Come what may
Merry Christmas darling.
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