By me aka niki
Date: 25 December 2000
I knew
I always said That We never talked enough and that I knew nothing of him
But I was wrong
Because I did know him, I knew his actions because I went thru them a zillion times
I knew when he lied about his girlfriend and when I played detective to uncover the truth, I found out I was right
I knew that when I would call him he wouldn't bother to pick up
I knew that he would ignore me in public, just by the way he said "hi"..He just didn't..
I knew he would try to cheat on his girlfriends with me
I knew exactly when he had had enough of me and was letting me slip away
I Knew he wasn't even going to bother to tell me it's was over, he was such a coward so I just told him to tell me , I needed to hear the good-bye and he did
I knew he would go on breaking my heart
I knew I couldn't stop loving him
I knew,I knew
Then why was I so blind and So dumb?
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