By me aka niki
Date: 31 December 2000
15 reasons
I always wonderd If I did love him
And now I know that I did
And here are some things that proved it
I hope theymake sense!
1) Once I was all happy and when I called him and he hung up in my ear
The rest of the night I was a bomb going to explode
2) If I couldn't see him I was a bomb that was exploding
3) When I was feeling down and sad And I would see him and he would just be nice to me and say hi and talk a little
then I believed again he did care and I was all happy again
4) All of a sudden I had the urge to tell him "I missed you" after we had been apart for a fewmonths
5) when he lied to me in my face and I found out I just slept the whole day and I felt so dissapointed
6) When he dumped me I was a depressed wreck
7) I always forgave him for things that noone else would
8) I was always trying to see him and be with him
9) when he wasn't at a place where I was then I wold rather go home
10) When I would wake up in the morning and Just walk to the shower his name would just pop up in my mind all of a sudden, every morning again
11)Some things he put me thru hurt me so much because I realy cared for him, the pain was so hard and my head was just spinning and out of control and all of a sudden I began writing to deal with my pain
12) I cried so many tears and had so many breakdowns, if I just talked about him or after I saw him and it was just to much, for endless nights
13) he would always be there, when he realy was, when he wasn't and even when there were others, he was like my oxygon
14) Every guy I kissed their kisses were never as "good" as his kisses
15) After all this time I still think about him and sometimes I still miss him
My prove off my eternal love...
I love you
And I still miss me, even though I know I shouldn't..
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