By sarah
Date: 8 December 2000

beginning: stories of the people

they all have stories
all of them
sometimes falling inline together with each other
and now and then
individual to need
but they speak on their own
and they lay quietly at night
and they weep when the dawn rises
their sadness
their memories
their pain
their stories
all of their stories
and where they begin, they could tell you
i just see the pieces that having fallen into my life
where i intersect their stories and become a character
maybe not a love lost
or an unrequited lover searching for a night of satisfaction
but i hear their pain
and what they have lost with each other
i hear the aftermath
and see their eyes aged
i never saw them youthful or full of joy
i see the sweet sadness of years
of times come to visit them
when they would of wished otherwise

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