By me aka Niki
Date: 3 December 2000
After everything is done and said
After you slamed the door in my face
and left me all alone without even saying good-bye
I finally realize that we are done
I'm finally beginning to accept it
I'm getting over you
I don't cry as much
I don't miss you that much
I don't need you that much
But there is one thing that's scary, what is you just forget me and the memories?
Don't forget my name or face
remember my warm embrace
Don't forget my birthday
Remember my phone number
don't forget my favorite color or my likes and dislikes
remember the fights
Don't forget the way we used to kiss
remember how you said my name
Remember when we walked in the rain
Don't forget my voice
Remember our secrets
Don't forget the talks that we once had
remember how we used to laugh
Don't forget the things we did
Remember how you held me in your arms
Remember how you used to touch me
Remember that you said you cared and would always be there
Remember the rose I gave you, I see you haven't thrown it away
Remember the way I used to play with your hair
Remember the way our eyes locked
Remember the passion and lust
I don't want you to forget
I want to be a little more then a friend to you
I want you to come to me when you have a problem and talk and laugh like we used to
I just don't want to be one of many girls
I want to be special, just like you said I was
Special from the rest, yes you told me that, remember?
So I was wishing on a falling star last night
that you would remember the love and never ever forget me
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