By Your secret
Date: 15 December 2000


Why am I alone tonight
I feel like something is wrong
You ask me if being friends is fine
Then why do you say those three words

I walk along the cold stone pathways
Glancing from the corner of my eyes
I don't want people to see inside
I am scared of the truth they will find

I used to be so jealous
Everyone seemed so satisfied
I never dreamed I would find him
Then I realized he was you

I wanted so much to join this contented group
The people that celebrate each month
I'm a member now
The only thing is, our love must go unknown

It is hard to hide a passion
Others can let it be seen
Not us our love has to be hidden
A deep secret from the world

They say that a kiss is special
Our kisses are in our minds
The only words of romance
Are spoken from our eyes

At first I thought I couldn't handle it
My mind has put up a strong fight
I know you are worth waiting for
I know I can be strong enough

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