By Ali
Date: 2 December 2000
Nothing to be done
Everything just falls
So short
And these words
Don't really mean much...
Everything I have inside
Doesn't look right
On paper
And I've put on a smile
Even though smiling
Is the farthest thing
From my mind
But it's how I am
I always wear a game face
And I know
That probably isn't good...
I'm just so tired today
Tired of it all
Tired of trying to sift
Through all the lies
Looking to find
That small thread of truth
Only to realize that
There is none to be found
And there is truly nothing
That I can do
And I really hate to be left
With no choices
But, there is nothing
To be done
So, you see me
On the outside
But on the inside
I cannot help
But cry
Forgive me, if you will
I'm trying to be strong
I'm trying to move on
To find a new path
Or maybe blaze my own
Through a feild of flowers
But that's a little hard
To do
Because all I'm surrounded with
Is weeds
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