By terry
Date: 13 December 2000
Hurry Love, I am Waiting
Ah, she is due any moment,
but I’m ready now I believe.
She is such a part of me now that I have felt her all day.
I know the pain and frustration that has burdened her.
Demands of her job, people wanting pieces of her time, here, there, everywhere.
And God, I can even tell that she skipped lunch again,
too busy to take care of herself.
But in a few minutes, I will make all that disappear
fade into meaningless background noise as I pamper her my way.
Dinner is ready; her favorite,
Lasagna Bolognese with garlic and thyme bread,
and the wine is chilled and ready.
I have the fire banked and ready and her favorite music softly playing.
But first...
A hot bath is drawn in the old claw foot tub
and the herbal oil beads have turned the water a beautiful aquamarine
with just enough bubbles to make it interesting.
The loofah is waiting, as is the lotion for afterward
and I bought almond oil and vanilla essence for the massage to follow.
I will knead away every tension and worry she carries through the door
with these two strong hands taught to be gentle in spirit and touch.
And then...
After easing her spirit and then feeding her body
only then will I sweep her into my arms
carry her to the loft and pull back the feather tick and quilts
to lay her gently among the pillows
and worship her my way.
As any Goddess should be
with tendersweet kisses and gentle caresses
and lovemaking of the slowest, sweetest sort imaginable
until dawn breaks on the ridge again.
Here at our sanctuary.
Hurry home my love
I’m waiting.
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