By Gala
Date: 15 December 2000

Personal Christmas

Warm...yes warm
like I feel in your arms
when all the world is a distant hum
because we have a place all our own.
You touch my hair,
or lay a finger on my lips
just before the solemn benediction of a kiss
makes me yours to my last cell.
I am bathed in a thousand twinkling lights
and breathing tastes like cool air
after too long spent in a heated room.
I am humbled by love,
by your love
wrapping me warm and safe
and gifting me with every moment.
And when your kiss turns
into something that will touch my soul,
entering through my lips
surging deep
I am as glorious grand
as the Christmas angel atop the tree
and all things are possible,
and you are ever the one
that I was born to love.

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