By Ali
Date: 26 December 2000
In the Rain
This is me
Here I am
Standing in the rain
Yes, I know
How late it is
And that I probably
Shouldn't be here
But, this couldn't wait
Until tomorrow
Or another second
This is me
No games
No mask
No lies
So, here it is
The deal
I'm putting all my cards
Down on the table
Frankly, I hate to bet
But, this time
I'm willing
To risk it all
"I love you..."
I said, "I love you"
Didn't you hear me?
But, you just stand there
A strange look on your face
There it is
I said it
First one to utter
Those three little words
Still you say nothing
So, I walk a little closer
And in the darkness
Lightning flares
Now, I fully see your face
But I do not understand
But silence says a thousand things
And I just turn
To walk away
I guess that I bet on
A losing hand
But, as start to leave
I hear your voice
Call my name
And I hear you say,
"My God...I love you"
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