By terry
Date: 8 December 2000
Reflecting A Shadow
It's not what I used to see
I know that much
Trouble is though, I don't know when it changed exactly.
When the face staring back was no longer a lost little boy,
but was an even more lost man.
So I lean in and scrutinize the reflection carefully
looking for signs of recognition
that might be any kind of clue to this aging stranger.
And eventually I turn away
as an icy cold finger draws a line up my spine
when I realize the stranger is me
yet I still don't know the man staring back at all.
At one time I thought I knew him well
had every nuance and trait down pat
because his heart shone through on the reflected face smiling back.
But somehow, while I was not paying attention,
He slipped away
got lost somewhere in the gray
and has chosen not to return, nor even say how long he'll stay away.
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Who's the fairest among us all
It is the man who holds his love most true
Funny thing is, I used to think it was you.
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