By Mirabeau
Date: 27 December 2000

Sleeping Goddess

You say sleep my love,
smooth hair from my eyes
and rest my head on your shoulder
as if you would comfort a child.
So tonight I will chase dreams
forego your touch
and your hunger,
and lay me down in quiet---
assuming my heart will allow me
to leave you even for one night.
Oh my darling,
I will search for you
in nimbus fantasy
curled up in cloud comfort
but with hungry arms
and hungry heart
and lips ravenous for yours.
Find me love---
I will wait for you
my heart ticking beats
lips trembling soft,
longing to yield,
wishing to go sweet
under your deep kiss.
I will wait for you
and the touch that makes me
all aglow,
the goddess kindled in my breast
while you draw me close
in intimate splendor.
I will sleep love---
but I will wander my dreams
until you find me
and bring me home.

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