By deevaa
Date: 20 December 2000
just a little smile
the phone rang,
and just a little smile touched my lips,
cause I just knew it was you.
You said hello, and I said hey,
then teased you just a little by asking
"who is this?"
and you said "huh?"
with that look that I know too well.
and just a little smile turned into a bigger one,
and then a giggle. And we talked,
and we talked
and then a tear welled up in my eyes,
cause yet again I had to say it,
had to tell you I love you,
and then we both wait that moment of silence
hoping that we don't have to say goodbye.
but we do.
and we do,
and just a little smiled touched my lips,
just now,
cause I know you'll call again,
and cause I'm thinking of you,
And I know, you are doing the same.
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