By michael (manical)
Date: 1 December 2000

Stop Thinking!

I'm thinking too much
about thinking too much
think I should stop it
damn, there it goes again.

I'm going in endless circles
A different damsel is each dead end.
Married, Almost married, uninterested, uninteresting, just friends
and I know I'm just thinking too much
trying too hard.
thinking too much
about thinking too much
trying too hard
to not try too hard

Catch 22
we love you

no-no's never
make me clever
Neurotic to the funnybone

phone home
You've won a free puppy love!
Pick it up and take it in
potty trained in the recycled bin.

try to tell yourself the things you try to tell youself
to make yourself
what was that?
I have to remember
what am I supposed to do?
oh yes
I better put it on a to do list
I won't remember

maybe I'm more comprehensible
when I'm incomprehensible
No, I don't think so
Did it again.
Think I thought.
Damn, I guess it is all in my head.
I thought it was all in my heart.
I'm confused.
Time for bed.

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