By B.K.
Date: 31 December 2000
Tale of a Tail
As this ‘Year of the Dragon’ passes,
giving us one more swift blow
with it’s mighty tail, I beg you
dears, stand steadfast in this wake
of destruction we shall all regret.
Standing, wobbly yet solid this
stubborn earth ox singed but
refusing to loose sanity
babbles on, an endless brook
with many tales yet to bemuse your
solid noggins and temp your noodles.
Though not able to slay this mighty
dragon of fire, I sigh as it passes,
very happy for survival and hope
you too survive the tail, live on
lively to tell the tale in wondrous
Prose and poetry that is ours in this
Love Blender extraodinaire where
we come each day to read and play.
Happy New Year, 2001, You All!
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