By Crystal AKA Angelface...
Date: 30 December 2000
A little of your time
Do i ask too much
when i need your arms around me
Is it too much to ask for you to care
How much can it take
For you to let me know that I'm worthy
To let me know that you're there
Is it so painstakingly hard
To tell me straight up how you feel once and awhile
Does it kill you
To make just a little bit of time for me
Is it too much of a bother
To take time from one girl and spend it on another (me)
Obviously it isn't too much trouble
To keep to yourself and make me feel that I'm un needed
And not cared for
All I ask is for a man
Who will lend me a shoulder to cry on
Who will wrap his arms around me tight when its cold outside
Or even if I just need to be held
I just would like a man
That loves me for me
Who is happy with what is on my outside
As well as my inside
Someone who is happy with the way I do things
And if not, then will let me know so I can try to improve what i can
Without me having to change my whole self
I don't ask for alot
Basically just to be cared for and loved.
Im not asking for money or for a whole lot of your time
Just let me know that you care and that you know I'm alive
And if you happen to be that guy,
Don't only tell me but show me as well
For taking a few minutes out of your day to let me know you care
Will mean the world to me,
And I'll be sure to do the same for you
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