By Ali
Date: 3 December 2000
I Just Wanted You
Everyone told me
That you came with
Too much baggage
Especially for a girl
My age
I was too young
To deal with all
That came along
With you
Why would I want that?
Everyone wanted to know
I just wanted you
Never mind what came along
With you
I just wanted you
Nothing else seemed to matter
Except you
Except loving you
And my age
Had nothing to do with it
True, I may only be 18
But I'm older than the years I've lived
I'm one of the few people
In this world
That could have ever handled you
All that you are
All that you were
And all that you will be
I can deal
With almost anything
I dealt with the side-long glances
When we were together
I dealt with my mother
And all the arguements
She had to offer
I did what I had to
And I did what I wanted to
I loved you
I love you
I will always love you
So, what if you
Packed up all those proverbial bags
You carried with you
And went away
So, what?
I'll deal
I suppose
Nothing I can do
I knew how you were
I know how you are
I know who you are
Even though sometimes
You don't
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