By Brandy ~
Date: 26 December 2000

Make A Wish!

Make A Wish!!

11:11.  Make a wish!
I wished on this 11:11 this Christmas Eve to never have to wish
I received you, my wish, 26 days ago today.
I wished for a gentleman that would love me for the person that I am and
For the person who I want to some day become.
I got my Knight in Shining Armor.
It was you!
You came into my life on a gleaming white horse and
Swept me off of my feet.
Kind and considerate
Loving and caring
Funny and sweet
Someone who stands up for me.
I watch you sleep as you hold me close
Knowing that I am the lucky one
You takes my hand and kiss it or me,
Not caring who is around that may see.
My heart is warm now, no longer shielded by walls.
11:11.  Make a wish....
I don’t need to wish anymore.
My wish came true!
It was you!

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