By teri
Date: 8 February 2001
unbreachable gap
Hmm. Idly biting my bottom lip, I am at a loss for inspiration. Memories flood, but the words won’t come. Scents assail, colors turn over, and still, the words are but a breath away. Slowly but surely, a blank wall forms again.
Thoughts won’t form, but questions abound. Unceasingly, I know my mind will explode if this continues on. I push myself away, attempting to shake away the confusion. Too many worries. Not enough comfort. So young. Uncountable smiles thrown ever which way. Fake grins plastered. Dear God, are you there… deliver me. Why is it so easy to let others walk into your life? And easier still letting them walk out. Hard denying the protection of indifference, and letting the gambles of life possibly bring joy. Growing cold, letting yourself grow cold has become a habit. Why… I cry out… Why the fear of someone else not caring? The art of forgetting. Does heartbreak last forever? How can anyone let heartbreak and love in once more after their heart has already been torn out? I still believe in the Tooth Fairy.
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