By Ali
Date: 19 February 2001
Can't Make It So
I don't know why this lingers
After all this time, this feeling still remains
Now, it occurs to me that I can't let go
Of what I never really had
But, still, I believe...
I believe without reason to
Just going by what I feel
And, maybe, what I feel is false
Maybe it's just another lie
But, it's true, until proven otherwise
And I guess that it's all I know...
I don't pretend to see everything that, perhaps, I should
But, I'm not as blind as I appear
I don't pretend to see perfection, because I know it isn't there
I don't see an angel, I don't see a saint
I see one who is fallen...
I don't know that I'm right, I don't know that you're wrong
Because I look around and see shadows
Shadows of doubt
And I just odn't know anything for certain...
I am not perfect, I posses much fault
In times hwen I should be strong
I have instead been weak
I know that I'm too trusting
And I know that I'm too forgiving
But, I still believe in the goodness of people
That goodness that society tries to kill, to erase
I'm very much like a child, because of that...
I find it practically impossible to give up on people
Even when I know that I should
Because I wouldn't want anyone giving up
On me...
And, yes, I'm angry
Yes, I'm hurt
Yes, I'm tired
I think I would have given up, long ago
If I had gotten a goodbye
But, I just have this gap, in the story
Where the pages are blank
And the answers are missing, out of reach
Once again...
So, just color me confused
(that's a light shade of blue, right?)
Because this feeling still remains
Even though it should have passed
Should have left me, months ago
Still, it lingers on...
Writhing and turning inside, so that I can't forget
What isn't mine to remember
Maybe I'm just a fool
Maybe I'm nothing but a fool...
Because I still hope, when I know that hope is foolish
When I know that which I ask for is simply a prayer
A prayer spoken in vain, with the voice of selfishness
Because it seems I am never heard
Or maybe I am underserving of what I seek
I just still feel, what I never should have felt
And I believe, when maybe, I should not
Maybe what I believe in is a whole lot of nothing
Is what I feel, just a feeling made of lies?
Or is there truth woven in there, somewhere?
I can wish...
I can pray...
I can hope...
That I'm right
About all of this, about him
That he's not as bad as you believe
That things will work out
That there is a reasonable explanation
For this, for everything
I can wish...
I can pray...
I can hope...
But, that can't make it so
I cannot will things to be the way I want
If I could, things wouldn't be like this(duh!)
And I wouldn't feel like this...
Yet, I still believe
And I still feel all these things
And I do so, without reason
I don't know why this lingers
After all this time, this feeling still remains...
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