By Sylvan 
Date: 25 February 2001


                You grossly underestimated your sweetheart
                    oh, I was sweet
                   sitting at your feet
                    so adoring and satisfied
               just hanging around
                    lapping up any amount of love
                       you doled out

                 But I chose not to reveal my dark side
                    you got the angel me
                      the demon me
                      was lying in wait

                  now you're gone
                     with no forwarding address
                 I will not panic
                  I will wait for a full moon
             and I will boil a brew
                 just for you
                     oh, yes
                 I have the herbs and the recipe
             I've memorized the chants
                  I know the goddess well

                   my spell might surprise you
               as you lay in her arms
           you will think of me and burn
              yearning for the true love I gave you
                       in one sanguine season

              just heard an owl screech
                what does this mean?
               a raven flew past my window
           there's a black spider crawling up the wall
              down the hall I hear unfamiliar noises

                     the wind whistles
               the candles are flickering frantically
                   are you returning to me?
                   I will keep a vigil
                   the doorstep will be glowing for you
                  I know it will work
               you are too weak to fight my mojo
                  lucky for you I'm a good witch
                        a wrap myself around you witch
                   the kind of witch you think
                       you can subdue

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