By Harem
Date: 23 February 2001



I wonder where does the depth end.....
As I plunge into the waters of your soul.....
Deeper and deeper, beneath the surface.....

Down, down, down, deeper and deeper.....
Where neither light nor sound can penetrate.....
Darkness of depth consumes me completely.....

Is there an end to this journey, or a bottom.....
To this secretive lonely place that you hold within......
As wonderment and awe fills my mind at your depth....

Wanting to know you, yet fearing being lost forever....
Within the caverns which lie so deeply concealed.....
Enchanting me to search and probe below ......

Diving deeper and deeper into your ocean.......
Learning the secrets which make you flow ......
Being pulled by your currents , further and further.....

Contemplating the treasures in your depth.......
A soothing motion propells me within your waves.....
Rocking me endlessly to a beat that my shores can feel.....

So dark down here,  I  move with my senses alone.....
Traveling  about in your endless sea.....
My minds body floating freely in your watery depths....

Unknown Creatures thrive so deep within you......
Circling about me with curious eyes......
Frightening me as I frighten them.......

So deep that  I  am being crushed by the pressure.....
My mind is gasping for air .......
Will  I  drown  in  your  depths......

Sensing my needs, you gently cradle me with your tide....
As the waves of your passion move me very slowly.....
Gently pushing me upward, bringing me to the surface.....

As my skin becomes warmed with the sunshine of your smile.....
Bathed with your aquamarine  touch......
Your voice sparkling against the thunder of the sea.....

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