Date: 22 February 2001



Do you go where others fear to tread....
Can you slay the dragon that most men dread....

When others give up, do you endure......
When others have doubts,  are you real sure.....

Do you ride the steed with gallant pride......
Hold  your head erect,  while other men hide.....

Do you wield your sword with inner strength.....
To  please  the maiden,  will you  go  any  length.....

Can a damsel in distress depend  on you.....
Is chivalry something you naturally do.......

Are you not ashamed  to  shed  a   tear........
Willing to share  what you  hold  most  dear.....

Will you hold her tight, and  never let  go.......
Light  the  stars  at night,  and  love  her  so.....

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