By Dark Angel
Date: 23 February 2001

Invictus Indeed

Broken dreams I know well.
I've felt each shatter
to die a bleeding twitching death
beneath uncaring eyes.

Heartbreak?  I have been broken
and used and trashed
and trampled until my world
ran reeking with the tears,
and I have felt the life leaving me
as my heart ground to dust within me.

I have held the cold blue steel
inches away
and looked into the darkness
and seen nothing to receive me
even be indifferent
at my leaving, and paused.

I have risen
broken but believing
in something more
something I saw
in Grandma, and Grandpa
something to reach into my hell
to raise me
above the ruin
and the pain
and the disillusion
to have the courage
to ask the heavens
to show me the real
to scream out defiance
and demand that it be
as I was told it could be
to say out loud
knock and the door
will be opened?
Ask and ye shall

And I have been answered
by a miracle
in smiling eyes
and a voice
only I could answer.

My scars are forgotten
my purpose is clear
my strength is new
and living in her laughter
my dreams live pounding
beneath her left breast.

Thus armed
do you understand
why I fear nothing?

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