By B.K.
Date: 3 February 2001

Empathy & Hogwash

Diverse peoples styles,
different voices, thrusting
words into cyber-space,
creating conceptual thoughts
that ride air waves, rock the
planet's mind, and take us
adventuring as we never
dreamed possible. Poetry
rules once more, people
rave on madly about nothing.
All that matters is if we think
feel or see something differently,
that we inspire one another, and
that we share our minds. All else
fails to do anything but create chaos,
killing creativity of sensitive artists.
Imagine someone telling Van Gough,
that’s not how stars look. What hogwash!
Poetry is for every living being that
wishes to share in its magnificence.
People who think it's for only a select
few, can take it and stick it.


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