By Michael T. (look...reach..arch...pull)
Date: 27 February 2001
I'm falling
Falling fast all over again
and I'm terrified
she won't catch me
I'm falling
falling fast all over again
she really wants to be my friend
she likes me
I'm falling
falling fast all over again
I really want to be her friend
I like her
I'm falling
falling fast all over again
and I'm going crazy
I want her
I'm falling
falling fast all over again
the 'chute I have won't open
I'm crying
I'm falling
falling fast all over again
In a moment I'm going to kiss the ground
I won't be able to walk away
I'm falling
I have an backup chute
using it pulls her out of my life forever
I pull the ripchord
Take what you can get she says.
It's not that I don't want to be her friend.
It's that I want to be her lover.
I take a long look goodbye.
I pull the ripchord.
Because I'm falling
falling fast all over again
the 'chute I have won't open
I pull the ripchord.
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