By Dark Angel
Date: 28 February 2001
Moving on
I'm moving on
I said
trying to explain
why I wouldn't wait longer
why I had given all I could
until the last moment
when I knew her heart was like a sponge
drawing the waters of my heart forever
and giving nothing back.
I ached for days
not eating
not sleeping
beating the walls
with futile fists
until I felt the bitter edge
of my resolve
beneath my toes.
I met you
and knew what was possible
and understood what could be
what was real and warm
in nighted sheets
in warm damp embraces
that made the walls ring
and the neighbors look up
that made the lights dim
for miles with our impact.
I jumped
off the edge
and found I didn't fall
I sailed, spun, soared
and in time
flew back to her
to land today
with no malice to say
I'm moving on.
Isn't it funny
how suddenly
she found words
and committment
and passion
and need?
I was gentle
but I let her know
there was no way to return
my heart was not mine to give anymore.
It was safely hidden
between your tender breasts
and beating
with the joy only you can give.'s time for US
to move on
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