By Du'Doll
Date: 20 February 2001


What have I done
I would do anything to take away the pain that I have caused
I have hurt the one person that I never wanted to hurt
I have torn something from you that I wanted you to keep
You don't understand
I am not seeking after anything
I am looking for a less painful way to live from day to day
For you I may have provided shelter
But you made my heart more vaulnerable
I am only trying to protect myself, and in doing so I have hurt you
What can I say to explain the unexplainable
I want you to understand everything I feel
Our worlds are seperated by miles and miles
Our lives are distant and set in very different states
It hurts me everytime I hear your voice
The pain I feel when I just want to be a part of your life
I can't bare listening to you, and not being able to see your expressions
The fact is, it is tearing me apart
You are not weeping alone, for I have not stopped shedding tears of pain
All I want is to make everything simple
But I feel so little, so scared and incapable
I don't want to be alone, but it hurts so much to let someone into my heart
So once again I slip back into my dark nights of restless turning
Crying tears, longing for something I will never find
But in my dreams you will be beside me...
I will meet you in my dreams...
My dearest friend, I will always have my dreams

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