By Harem
Date: 23 February 2001

When the Heart Smiles


When the heart smiles back with knowing look...
When feelings cause shaking and shivering.....
When missing is all encompassing....

When eyes intensely crave to touch eyes.....
When Heart hurts so bad to touch  heart....
When nose yearns to rub nose.....

When lips cry out to touch lips....
When arms ache to touch arms.....
When breast sighs to touch chest....

When fingers ache to rub ears....
When smiles long to share smiles....
When song misses song.....

Then heart smiles and sings :

You fill up my senses like a night in the forest....
Like the mountains in springtime....
Like a walk in the rain.....

Like a storm in the desert....
Like a sleepy blue ocean.....
You fill up my senses.....
Come fill me again.....

Come let me love you...
Let me give my love to you.....
Let me drown in your laughter....
Let me die in your arms.....

Let me lay down beside you....
Let me always be with you....

Come let me love you....
Come love me again....

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