By Wing
Date: 26 February 2001
Hi Dave
Hi Dave, for a long long time, I have been standing near trying to get your attention. For the longest time, I have been dreaming that someday we might be together. Each time you walked by, I wanted to run up to you, simply to say hi! Took me forever to make my first conversation with you, and than I thought everything was good. From that day on, I thought we were friends, you smile and hug me in a way to tell me that we are more than just friends. But I guess it's all my own imagination, you talked about a gal that you like who she became your special someone. Than I asked myself, what am I? I have such a deep feeling about you, to a depth I cannot understand. I see your flaws, and my friends convinced me to give up on you, but I questioned them, my feeling, what can you understand? I'm not good enough for you, because I compare my flaws to your goods. Your flaws are something that I like about you. You found a special person, I'm glad for you...but crying here. When my friends still talks about you, the pain grew upon me..what am I doing, what can I do? I cried last night, and I promise to let go, I have to tried, it's going to take tme, I know I will still talk about you and think about you, but I will do my best. Whenever it will take me, I have now the power to do so. At this moment, I still care about you, but by tomorrow, it will decrease, each day it rolls by it will start to go away. But for always, I will pray you happiness.
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